Saturday, August 1, 2009

Knee Replacement

This last month has been all about having surgery and recovering from it. I'm doing really well but have had a few ups and downs. My surgeon used what he called the quad saving technique which results in faster recovery as the quad muscle & tendon aren't cut. I would highly recommend him to anyone; for more info check out this site:
Here's the first two weeks of pictures: I had to use a walker for 2 days then went to a cane. This is week one:
Week two
After two weeks, they took the staples out; a few hours later, it opened up and I had to go back in. They glued and taped it shut; here's what that looked like.

The tape is now working it's way off and I'm almost as flexible as they are working for. Larry, my PT, and Tyra, my massage therapist, have been great to work with. My knee is at 110 degrees and we're going for 120.

Along with this surgery I've been trying to lose weight to ease the knee as much as possible; since April 1, I've lost over 30 lbs. As always there's been mixed results but I have always lost something each time I weight in. I wish I had taken a before picture but will try to add one from this year for comparison. This was me in January of this year at the party Sam threw for me.

