Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When I'm 64...

"Will you still love me; will you still need me; when I'm 64?!" Paul McCartney wanted to know that years ago and now he's 66 and I am 64! My birthday sparked Sam to gather the clan and friends to celebrate. We even had Mom out until 9 p.m. which was so LATE she was locked out of her care facility!

We had a good weekend with Sam and Marge coming up from San Diego on Friday afternoon. It was spring like weather and we had breakfast on the patio. Mom came over for an at home IHOP breakfast which she loves.

Clara, Dori and Linda joined us for dinner at the Elbow Room where we had a good time taking pictures. Mary Lou is our cake monster taking the leftovers home for breakfast? Here's a few...

1 comment:

Heather-Anne said...

Happy Birthday Sue!!! Looks like it was a wonderful time. Wish we could have helped you to celebrate!

