Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blossom Trail

Every year Fresno County celebrates its rich agricultural heritage with the Blossom Trail which is a scenic drive through all the fruit tree orchards. This 62 mile trail includes a festival with various activities: bicycle ride, 10k run, art show and many fruit stands.

Here's a shot of our own peach tree with its deep pink blossoms.

Fresno city has planted thousands of Bartlett pear trees along street and many businesses have landscaped with them too. Their blossoms are white and are often used next to cherry trees or peach trees to contract with their pink. Almonds are blooming and filling the air with their white petals with a pink center.
With recent rains, the wild flowers are blanketing the foothills. Here's a few shots a friend of mine, Duane, took.


Heather-Anne said...

How gorgeous! All our spring blooms were covered by several inches of snow last night.

Anonymous said...

All of our blooms were covered by several hours of sunshine every day......hahahahah

