Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Recent activities

The garden was planted and MaryLou has enjoyed watering and watching it grow which has been surprisingly fast.

We celebrated Saint Patrick's Day which corned beef, boiled cabbage and potato dinner with Irish beer. Our friend Clara joined us in a favorite Irish prayer for friends.

I continue to play with the kayak at the closest access to the river which precipitated a trip to the river/Sycamore Island for three days and two night.

The dogs swam out to me in the kayak, flushed the albino deer that lives on the island and chased the rabbits until their tongues hung out and they couldn't go another step. We saw quail, an eagle's nest and lots of ducks and geese swimming and flying.
The morning we left was foggy which made an interesting picture of the fifth wheel. The river road is a great place to spot all sorts of small animals; especially along the ponds.
My latest cooking class, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, was fun and easy. We've only met once so far but already I found a receipt I liked and made it for MaryLou who hates fruits and vegetables. It's a potato and bean stir fry with arugula, garlic, onions and mushrooms.
Mom's 93rd birthday is Thursday. I've been repairing and replacing parts on her power chair which has been really expensive but she really depends on it to get around and socialize with her friends around the facility. Sam's coming up and going to help me paint the house which is overwhelming just to think about. We'll have Mom over and Larry will join us for a little party for her. She gets down every birthday as all her friends and family are gone and she wonders why she's still here. We try to get her out more often and keep her mind on other things.
I'll take some before and after pictures of the house for my next post. Love you all!

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